You may have had your merchant account open for some time, or maybe you are just starting out. In an effort to build your brand, capture more sales or donations, you work with your payment processor and a web developer to launch your eCommerce site and online...
Merchant’s Guide to Finding a Magento or WooCommerce Developer
So, you’re an entrepreneur with a great range of products; now you need an ecommerce store. But just how complex is it to build an ecommerce website and store with the functionality and reach you need? That depends on many things, such as how well you understand the...
How WooCommerce and Magento Are Tackling Fraud Protection
Ensuring adequate fraud protection and refining the customer experience is a delicate balancing act for eCommerce merchants. Data collection at account login, two-factor authentication, and card verification at payment all add friction along the customer journey, and...
17 Things Merchants Need to Know Before They Commit to Magento as Their Ecommerce Platform
First, there was Magento 1, then Magento 2. There is a Magento Community Edition and a Magento Enterprise Edition. Now, these editions are all under the umbrella of “Adobe Commerce powered by Magento.” It’s all very confusing, which begs the question: How...
How your merchant service provider can help find the easiest path to revenue recognition for subscription commerce
Revenue growth circulates around strategies and abilities to grow subscribers. The number of subscribers has a direct correlation to consumer interest, brand perception and the success of what one is offering. We have become a click to subscribe society, but this...
The Merchant’s Guide to Choosing a Chargeback Management Solution Provider
You’re an entrepreneur with a nascent eCommerce website. You need a streamlined payments system that will optimize the customer experience and minimize your exposure to fraud. It’s not complicated. That is, until you call a payments solutions provider and a discussion...
eCommerce Fraud Management: Best Practices
Whether you're planning to start an online business or are already an eCommerce veteran, fraud management is a big concern. There are a few different types of fraud you should be aware of, including Chargeback, Friendly, and Buy Online/Pick Up in-Store schemes. While...
What Merchants Need to Know About Payment Gateways and the Mobile Movement
The mobile movement was upon us so rapidly that ecommerce merchants have struggled to keep up. But to stay competitive, they must. Consumers are increasingly using mobile devices to browse and transact, and they expect a seamless shopping and checkout experience while...
Merchants Are Attracting Holiday Shoppers With the Gift of Buy Now, Pay Later. But These Schemes Are a Gift for Fraudsters Too
We’re in the last quarter of 2022, and merchants are hoping for a lucrative holiday season. To help consumers spend in current times of high inflation, more ecommerce platforms are offering buy more, buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) financing schemes. While BNPL financing...
From Steel-Enforced Walls to Quantum Physics—A History of Fraud Prevention for Banking and Payments and How Merchants Protect Themselves Today
The war waged between financial institutions and thieves began long ago. It started with metal bars on bank teller windows, three-foot thick doors, and steel-reinforced walls to protect vaults. Then, as money and transactions turned digital, cyber warfare called for...