During a work meeting with one of our merchants who is revolutionizing the eCommerce space, the CEO described his ideal shopping experience. Strapping on his VR Oculus headset, going into a virtual clothing store, viewing the products, trying them on; and making a...
Digital Commerce – Are You Open for Business?
Consumer shopping habits are fluid and have been shifting year after year, depending on various environmental and generational factors. Financial turbulence has resulted in many brick and mortar storefronts being closed, in exchange for eCommerce business models...
Deliver strong payment solutions to your growing composable ERP
As almost all businesses increasingly become digital-focused, there is a huge reliance on ERP and CRM solutions that do some, but not all, of what your office needs. To increase flexibility, the current trend is away from fixed solutions toward composable ERPs (be it...
Cartis and Infor: The smarter way to deliver payments for stronger business performance
Modern businesses thrive on three things; data, insights, and automation. Startups obsess over them, enterprises spend years trying to get them all working together, and business leaders rely on them to plan and strategize. Sales are the growth engine for most...
It All Starts with Playing in the Sandbox – A Developer’s Guide to Integrating Payment Processing
Have you ever wondered where unicorns come from? Mythology might have you thinking that unicorns have their origins in basements and garages, and while there are no shortages of these; unicorn startups share one thing in common - they are all conjured up in a...
Running a WooCommerce WordPress Site? We Guarantee You’ll Never Get a Chargeback for Fraud
That headline sounds pretty incredible, doesn’t it? But it’s true. If you’re a WooCommerce store on WordPress, we can 100% guarantee that you’ll never receive a chargeback for a fraudulent transaction. Whether it’s a case of identity theft, merchant fraud, card...
Apple Pay Leading the Way in Digital Wallet Usage
Apple Pay Leading the Way in Digital Wallet Usage Digital wallet transactions have increased steadily since 2015, and with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, usage has soared. According to the 2021 Debit Issuer Study, commissioned by Discover Financial Services’...
Looking for Ways to Maximize Sales? There’s a Button for That!
The number of online retailers has increased dramatically over the past few years. Partially fueled by the pandemic, consumers are now much more comfortable making online purchases. With so many shoppers in a buying mood, it’s important to offer them convenient ways...
What To Look For When Integrating a Payment Solution Into Your SaaS
Software in one way or another has been a key component of many enterprise functions starting in the late 90s, all the way to the present day. Typically, you had to purchase software and receive it in a physical form, such as a CD or a floppy disk, but today, things...
Cartis Payments’ Arsenal of Tools/Services to Protect Against Fraudulent Transactions
As a business owner, you know that all kinds of negative things can happen that lead to loss of revenue, such as supply chain interruptions, product defects, catastrophic weather events, and customer returns to name a few. But perhaps the costliest form of loss occurs...